Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ordain Women!

During the priesthood session we walked around temple square and ran into this line of women supporting the Ordain Women bandwagon activist movement wanting to get in...

Excuse me for a second while I step up on my soapbox.
...okay, I'm comfortable.
Here it goes:

Reasons to Ordain Women:
-We only get two times a year (total of 4 hours) to walk around temple square and city creek free of men, to roam the vicinity and talk about all girly things...but nope. Let us in. We don't need that 4 hours of free time.
-Visiting teaching and relief society callings just aren't enough...
-Motherhood, nope still not enough to do.
-Relief Society lessons are far too domestic for me...I'd rather read straight out of the manual.
-Despite the fact that we have a massive influence on the men in our life, we still don't feel like we have much power or say in things.
-I've always wanted to be an Eagle Scout...I mean, sleeping in below freezing temperatures is kind of my forte'.
-You know how they always call the Elders Quorum when someone needs help moving? SIGN ME UP!
-I'm so tired of just sitting there and pondering during the sacrament...give me something to do! Step aside, Deacons.
-I've always wondered what it's like to be in meetings for 6+ hours...and making huge decisions. I feel sooo left out.

Okay...excuse my distasteful, tongue-in-cheek all seriousness, this is a really solemn issue and after lots of mulling and highly emotional debate, I've just come to the conclusion that I'm so entirely grateful for modern-day revelation and my firm testimony and faith in our sweet Prophet called of God! He is literally a mouthpiece of our Heavenly Father and I think we tend to forget that sometimes. We tend to forget our infinite worth in His eyes and the callings and individual responsibilities we have in building up His kingdom. Our leaders will guide us and lead us in the way the Savior would want and I'm so grateful for the doctrine of the family and the roles that the church has outlined clearly for us.

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