Wednesday, July 6, 2016


I just returned home from a month in Ghana and it changed my perspective on everything! I grew such a love for those people and the African culture. We were able to work in several orphanages and help in the reunification process of orphans. KaeMe translates to "remember me" meaning that no child is left behind.

My favorite part of the experience was being able to connect with the people and children so intimately. Without the distraction of internet and smartphones and "modern conveniences", it left so much room for interaction and reality.

Everyone in Ghana greets you with a warm "how are you?" and proceeds to really get to know you and concerns themselves with your wellbeing. Entitlement is almost non-existent in Ghana as everyone works their hardest to make a living and support themselves. There is so much to be learned from these wonderful people. After one month, I was able to really change my perspective and welcome more hard work and gratitude in my life. I can't imagine a whole lifetime of being in Ghana.

Since I've been home I've been extra grateful for Air Conditioning, bathtubs, hot water, FOOD essentially everywhere, options options options...we have everything at our fingertips!, my guitar, family, clean fresh air, clean water from the tap, and law enforcement. I was able to celebrate all that this country has to offer with the Fourth of July! We spent a few days up in Island Park where we were able to go horseback riding, four-wheeling, and float the river.

I've only been home a week and I'm already ready for my next adventure. I have fallen in love with traveling. Our family is planning a cruise in December. We will be flying to Orlando and spending a week at sea visiting the Caribbean! I can't wait!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Life doesn't get much better than this

It has been one year since I've graduated college and boy, it has been one heck of a year!

I landed an amazing job with the church's advertising agency working for Bonneville Communications and I've been in Utah for a whole year. I have grown immensely in every way! My experiences have helped me become stronger and more versatile. I also was able to work in the marketing department at LDS Business College where I planned a Business Conference.

This next year has a huge lineup. I'm planning a humanitarian trip to Africa with the KaeMe foundation as their lead photographer and videographer. I plan on taking their current marketing plan to the next level. I want to capture a story while I'm there and make a difference in the world a little at a time.

I also plan on working towards a marathon by the end of the year. I have begun training and I'm excited to set other goals that will keep me on the path to progression. Life has never been better! I'm so grateful for everyone in my life who supports me and influences me to be better.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why we aren't falling in love anymore

Boy likes girl. Girl likes, marriage, happily ever after.

Not so fast!!

1. Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy. Boy loses interest because game wasn't played...

2. Boy likes girl. Girl doesn't like boy because of boy #1. Boy thinks she secretly likes him and is playing "hard to get" and pursues her more diligently. Girl gets annoyed. Boy gets bitter and turns into #1

...and the cycle continues until we all turn into the cynical creatures we are because our behaviors and thought process is skewed.

When did dating spiral down to this? 

What happened to the simple scenario of being interested in the other person and having the mutually formed relationship? I understand how everyone likes a "challenge", but when does it become settling for treatment of less than you deserve.

Here's where the vicious cycle ends. I've found the solution. It boils down to self-worth.

When you like someone, pursue them. If they don't reciprocate, move along. I feel like the fight is actually in the "letting go" process and loving yourself enough to move on because that's what you deserve. When you lose respect for yourself, that's where you lose. 

Your emotional health is more important than any relationship or person. If someone isn't contributing to your success or personal progression, they don't have a place in your life. That's what I've concluded to.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Why is charity so important?

In my personal study, I keep coming across the phrase "charity never faileth" and it has really got me thinking about why the Lord emphasizes charity so much in the scriptures. 

I have made kind of a discovery on the matter and I'm dying to share!

It's simple...

Charity never faileth because charity is a tool God uses to convey His light and love to His other children through you.

Spencer W. Kimball said, "God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom."

Boom goes the dynamite...I'm out.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

When she isn't ready for commitment...

I'm notable for being willing to talk about and address the taboo. I am a fairly open person so breaking down barriers and filters is actually good thing for me. I am not shooting for to be offensive or hurt feelings, but I do think there is a lot of value in talking about things that are non-ritualistic and bold.

One thing that I want to address is commitment. All of us have been in the situation where the other person states that he/she isn't ready for commitment. It's almost cliche isn't it? But it's also a huge cop-out.

Let me say something that is going to be hard to hear, but then I'll explain it more later...when someone says they aren't ready for commitment, what they are trying to say is that they don't want commitment with YOU. Not now...not ever. So when you hear these words, walk away. Or stay and that's'll probably learn a lesson or two from this person...but it's a dead end and here's why:

This person is feeling pressure to commit to you and like you, but they just don't for whatever reason. They've most likely thought about how it would be to commit to you, and their natural instinct is telling them it's just not right. They think you're great and probably like spending time with you. They like a lot of things about you, but you aren't right for them and so they tell you that they aren't ready.

In all honesty, they probably are telling you this because it's a crossroads. They know that this relationship could take off and they see that you're already somewhat invested. They know you would treat them right. They see your goodness...but it doesn't fit them. To get to the point of saying they aren't ready means that they've thought of it and know you've thought of it. You don't hear someone saying they aren't ready for commitment when you first meet them. This person has spent time with you and they just...know.

Now you know that they know. I've given you this great secret doorway into their thoughts and you can choose what you want to do from here on out. My advice would be to not settle for less than what you truly deserve. You deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you. Simple! Respect yourself and, in turn, that person will respect you too. But they don't really matter after this point. They may be cool or cute, but don't put up with unfair treatment.

Is he/she not texting you back or not willing to see you? Is he/she wishy washy? Is he/she not giving as much as you are? MAY DAY MAY DAY...mission abort.

You're great. There is someone out there who will see all of your qualities and love them. This person obviously doesn't appreciate what you have to offer and that's their loss.

Some people don't like fresh apple pie! I don't like chocolate. Don't force someone to like chocolate or they might just resent you. Walk away and enjoy your chocolate with someone else who likes chocolate. Haha I'm getting a little carried away here, but...get my point? You're awesome. That's my point. 

Feeling down? Try this.

Whenever I get down on myself or feel worthless, it feels like I am in a rut and the more I try to dig myself out, the deeper I get. Do you ever feel this way? Well I'm here to help! There is hope and I'm going to help you get out of this mess...

This is something I do occasionally and it really works every time. 

First off, I want you to think of someone in your life who has made an impact on you for the good or someone who was there for you or kind to you...this can be big or small. For me, it has been numerous people. Anyone from my Stake YW president who was almost like a second mother to a boy in junior high who always treated my nicely despite how terribly awkward I was in junior high. These people in our lives make a huge difference but how often do we tell them they do?'s the fun part. Go find this person. Don't think twice about it being weird because you're about to make this person's WHOLE day. Luckily for us, we have modern technology so we have access to virtually everyone through facebook.

After you've found this person, I want you to write to them and tell them how they helped you in your life or impacted you. This letter or message can be as large or as small as you want it to be. It could be something simple like, "thank you for always smiling and being positive." Anything! Send it and watch the results!

Repeat this process over and over again as much as you'd like. Reach out to everyone you know. If you can't think of people who have impacted you, think of someone who may be struggling right now and shoot them a message. Tell people you LOVE them and you actually CARE because people don't assume that kind of thing. Tell people how much they mean to you. Doing this, you're changing the world...and knowing that your actions and presence changes the world can literally pull you out of the deepest rut. I promise this helps. Try it and see what happens :)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Why I (didn't) serve a mission

I've been meaning to address this for a long time coming. I feel the need to talk about the mission.

After the big missionary announcement came out in Oct. 2012, there was a HUGE buzz going around and suddenly everyone (including ALL of my friends) were packing their bags and heading out to preach the word. How exciting! Everyone would ask me, "So when are you putting your papers in?" and it REALLY got me thinking :)

When I heard sweet President Monson's words, I earnestly waited for the feeling and urge to come that I personally needed to serve a mission. I wanted that revelation and pressing feeling so badly! Growing up I always had that desire in my heart to be a sister missionary and now was the time to make it happen...............right?

I waited and waited for that "burning feeling" to come, but unfortunately it never did. In fact, when I prayed about the mission, the impression of "wait" or "not in this way" continually came to my mind. When reading my scriptures, missionary work stood out, but the feelings that came to my heart were non-traditional.

I was frustrated. I thought "am I not good enough?" or "maybe I just need to go and I'll get my confirmation when I'm in the field"

I very well could have gone ahead and served anyway and I'm sure the Lord would have been pleased with my efforts. However, after years of continual prayer and dedicated service to my Heavenly Father, I've reached many conclusions and simple answers have come to me on this topic that have put my mind at ease.

I think it's safe to say that...

I had a mission, but it was not the traditional full-time service.

Elder Andersen said it right when he said, "If you're not a full-time missionary with a missionary badge pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your heart" and those words spoke to me and I applied it like I never applied anything before.

I began going out with the sister missionaries every week, I sought opportunities to share the Gospel on social media or with friends/coworkers, and I became a cheerleader and avid supporter to the missionaries whom I love so dearly. I've had experiences that have changed my life and I was present in opportunities where I felt I was needed and valued.

I can honestly and comfortably say that I felt pressure to serve a mission but I didn't feel that a full-time service was right for me. The Lord has a plan. He sure will put you to work if you put Him first but His ways are greater than ours. Seek to align your personal will with His and your life will improve. You'll see yourself in situations and experiences you never would have thought possible.

Simply put, do good.
