Saturday, May 16, 2015

Feeling down? Try this.

Whenever I get down on myself or feel worthless, it feels like I am in a rut and the more I try to dig myself out, the deeper I get. Do you ever feel this way? Well I'm here to help! There is hope and I'm going to help you get out of this mess...

This is something I do occasionally and it really works every time. 

First off, I want you to think of someone in your life who has made an impact on you for the good or someone who was there for you or kind to you...this can be big or small. For me, it has been numerous people. Anyone from my Stake YW president who was almost like a second mother to a boy in junior high who always treated my nicely despite how terribly awkward I was in junior high. These people in our lives make a huge difference but how often do we tell them they do?'s the fun part. Go find this person. Don't think twice about it being weird because you're about to make this person's WHOLE day. Luckily for us, we have modern technology so we have access to virtually everyone through facebook.

After you've found this person, I want you to write to them and tell them how they helped you in your life or impacted you. This letter or message can be as large or as small as you want it to be. It could be something simple like, "thank you for always smiling and being positive." Anything! Send it and watch the results!

Repeat this process over and over again as much as you'd like. Reach out to everyone you know. If you can't think of people who have impacted you, think of someone who may be struggling right now and shoot them a message. Tell people you LOVE them and you actually CARE because people don't assume that kind of thing. Tell people how much they mean to you. Doing this, you're changing the world...and knowing that your actions and presence changes the world can literally pull you out of the deepest rut. I promise this helps. Try it and see what happens :)

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