Saturday, July 26, 2014


Through every day that passes, I feel I'm truly finding myself...You have to get lost in lost that you hit the bottom and create a new foundation or at least dust off the one that's always been there. I am on a path. It's windy and unpredictable, but I'm definitely on my way. Taking steps every day with the ground beneath my feet.

Here's more to add to the self-discovery list:

I am Alli.

I think I'm hilarious...even when I'm blatantly distasteful in humor.

I am very original.

I love vintage.

Vinyls and old music is a hidden passion/hobby of mine. Yep, you heard it here first. Out in the open.

I hate comparing...competition can go die. Everyone is a winner. I'M A WINNER.

I love the ukulele. It's a joyful journey that everyone should take part in.

My dreams tell me that I'm destined to be a board game creator. Seriously, that happened last night.

There's nothing more fulfilling to me than a good heart-to-heart.

I don't do things half-heartedly. Everything's all or nothing.

When I commit to something, I go HARD...

My loyalty is fierce. When you win my heart, my soul stops at nothing to defend.

Wanderlust runs through my veins. I live and learn through EXPERIENCE.

I'm all about being cultured and exposed. I strive to see all perspectives and make my focus positive.

I refuse to be ignorant/naive and either of those words used to describe me is the BIGGEST insult.


Food is love.

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