Friday, December 28, 2012

To bring the world His truth...

After the big announcement I was thrilled to hear many of my friends announce their own decisions to serve! What a wonderful blessing it is. The anticipation of the mission and all of the experiences that have already come has really strengthened my testimony of missionary work. 

Soph was called to Honolulu, Hawaii and leaves February 27th! I wasn't there, but I was able to skype with her while she was opening it. She is going to be wonderful. She has the ability to connect with anyone on a deeper level and being able to do that while incorporating the gospel is going to be life-changing. She always strives to help others and she will make a difference no doubt. The locals are so blessed! ALOHA Sister Tateoka!! (That means goodbye and hello right?) 

Em got called to Albuquerque, New Mexico and leaves February 6th! What a great example she is to me already in every day life through her callings, diligence, and desire to do good as she always keeps the Lord in mind. Her righteous outlook will carry through her mission. She is also going to preach in Spanish and this is a huge blessing because she is so passionate about her heritage and this will give her an additional opportunity to link herself to her ancestors and culture in an area with people who specifically need her and they are so blessed because it's been a rough journey to get her to where she's at, but she's going strong and still on the Lord's side. She has been wanting to go for so long and this was a dream come true for her. Adios Hermana Silva!! 
Britt got called to Las Vegas, Nevada leaving March 6th! Holy cow I love this girl! I know this probably isn't the most flattering picture, but she's a beaut. This girl has a heart of gold and she would do anything for anyone. I'm so blessed to have been able to live with her and get to know her. We grew really close in a short time because she can love so easily and I know that characteristic will follow her in the mission. She seriously is the most patient, loving, and humble person ever. She is also just a hoot and her companions are so lucky! I'm gonna miss her so much, but I know that the people in Las Vegas need her more than me right now! See you in a few Sister Maggert! 

Hannah Melynn got called to Reno, Nevada leaving March 6th. When I first met Hannah and started to really get to know her I learned so much. I realized that sometimes it takes time to realize just how amazing some people really are. She is so valiant and always does the right thing even if the circumstances are rough. She is such a huge example to me through her actions alone. She never's almost annoying! haha she is always so patient and slow to anger. She's been through a lot, but the Lord has definitely guided her path to get her to where she's at and it's no mistake that she's going to do amazing things on her mission! Good luck Sister Fellman!

I'm so proud of all of the sisters and elders who are harvesting the field. These are the last days and it's needed more than ever. The gospel is true and truth will always prevail so we have no need to worry! I also encourage all to continue to share the gospel. You don't have to wear the name tag to be a missionary. Sometimes it's just being kind to your neighbor and showing your faith through your actions that can make the biggest difference. 

1 comment:

Emily Ann said...

Thank you for this post Al. It was beautiful :) I'm so excited for Britt, Hannah girl and Soph. This is exciting! Love the blog update too ;)