Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why we aren't falling in love anymore

Boy likes girl. Girl likes, marriage, happily ever after.

Not so fast!!

1. Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy. Boy loses interest because game wasn't played...

2. Boy likes girl. Girl doesn't like boy because of boy #1. Boy thinks she secretly likes him and is playing "hard to get" and pursues her more diligently. Girl gets annoyed. Boy gets bitter and turns into #1

...and the cycle continues until we all turn into the cynical creatures we are because our behaviors and thought process is skewed.

When did dating spiral down to this? 

What happened to the simple scenario of being interested in the other person and having the mutually formed relationship? I understand how everyone likes a "challenge", but when does it become settling for treatment of less than you deserve.

Here's where the vicious cycle ends. I've found the solution. It boils down to self-worth.

When you like someone, pursue them. If they don't reciprocate, move along. I feel like the fight is actually in the "letting go" process and loving yourself enough to move on because that's what you deserve. When you lose respect for yourself, that's where you lose. 

Your emotional health is more important than any relationship or person. If someone isn't contributing to your success or personal progression, they don't have a place in your life. That's what I've concluded to.

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