Wednesday, November 5, 2014

7 steps in making stress!

Where has the time gone? 2015 is coming to a close and I can barely believe it. I feel like life has been on "turbo mode" lately.

Okay so I decided to make a post on decisions because...if you're between the ages of 17-25, you're most likely clumped into the group of "people making the biggest decisions of their lives". Whether it's choosing where to go to school, what occupation to go into, who the heck you're supposed to marry, or even just what apartment complex to live at, we all have to buckle down and make a choice at some point knowing these decisions will affect us indefinitely.

I know sometimes I just want someone to tell me exactly what to do, but part of this life is learning to make decisions based on the limited knowledge we have. We have to learn to push forward with FAITH.

I've come up with 7 pieces of advice to help cope with these huge decisions. You won't regret your choice if you follow this model:

Before even beginning this process make sure you are giving yourself enough time and your emotions are level.

1) Focus. This one is the most important and biggest step. You have options, right? Narrow down your thinking and break it down. If you can't narrow your choices down, then it's too overwhelming and you need to take a step back and figure this out and get a list of options to go off of. This step could have a whole other process in itself but get it done to minimize stress.

2) Make a decision given those options. Seriously, just pick one of the options and proceed to the next step. You can go back if you change your mind and re-evaluate or you can answer these questions with all of your options. For now just pick an option.

3) Information: Find out everything you can about the decision. Delve into the good and the bad.

4) Think logically. How will this decision benefit you? Do you feel like this is good for your health? Can you see yourself happy long-term based on this decision? What do you picture the outcome of this decision? What is the risk vs. gain?

5) Gut feeling. Your instincts will help you proceed. Whether you choose to pray or talk with a good friend about your emotions, figure out if this choice feels "right". Sometimes getting an outside view helps.

6) What is your backup plan if this decision doesn't go as planned? Feel a level of security. With every decision there is always a risk factor, but make sure to cover your bases so you feel content with yourself.

6) Follow through. Give this decision your all and although doubts and question will try clouding your mind, follow through and make a choice.

Remember...indecision is a decision. If things don't work out, it's always better to have made a conscious decision than to have been careless. At least you can say that you did the best you could. Make your decision and be ready to stand by it.

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